Sunday, 13 May 2018

Taking action.

There are taken from a group on facebook.

I suggest as many people as possible do this at the following link The more official reports of Fraud then the Police must take it seriously, Adam Bailey is committing Fraud by stating Charity on his page and website etc and also because he does not have a bank account in the name of ABRR. Please everyone fill it in best you can and submit we need to take this man down and protect these innocent animals from him for good 



This is now where I need you to please put your money where your mouth is (said in the most heartfelt way). The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline has now escalated the report to a 'conditional response' for the Trading Standards (which means they HAVE to respond to it). I have also had chats with DEFRA and the RSPCA today. Both have said that you ALL need to report your concerns of animal welfare to the RSPCA now. The more reports they get at once, the more they will look into it. They will not get involved in anything other than concerns of animal cruelty so please ensure you don't call them for anything other than your eye witness stories on cruelty you've seen. Please contact them as soon as possible on 03001234999.
The RSPCA will be pursuing them and will be letting me know how things are going. The same with Trading Standards.

The more people who actively report ABRAR the more chance of something being done! 

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

An email sent in from another "supporter"


I was given a link to your blog by a Gillingham resident. It makes very interesting reading.

 My elderly mother is one of his victims. Her small dog was attacked (unprovoked) and had to be put to sleep. Ripped throat, crushed ribs punctured lung... the dog responsible was pebble. Bailey is now begging for funds to keep this dog in Kennels for the rest of its life. I have put a reply onto Facebook to one of his requests for money. It was removed and the account blocked within the hour. 

The case went to Weymouth magistrates court last September.  I attended and Bailey admited ownership and responsibility for the dog. His Facebook post made it sound as though the case was with regard to a dangerous breed type. He offered no apology or any regret about the incident.

My mother’s dog was a Lancashire Heeler a breed on the endangered list. She was qualified for crufts and was a sweet little companion for my Mum. The dog pebble was in the care of a fosterer who was unsuitable and unable to control it. It weighed in at eight and a half stone.

 The people he is using to foster are I feel vunerable victims. People who say they can’t afford to donate more because they are in dept are being exploited.
His getting involved with horses is very worrisome when he doesn't seem to have  funds to cope with the animals already in his care. 
His vet of choice at the moment seems to be in Salisbury not exactly handy to Gillingham. He is also cagey about where he lives. If every penny goes to the animals what does he live on?

We are in the process of claiming for the vet’s fee, now in the hands of the small claims court.  Not about the money but his cage needs to be kept rattled.
 Since the incident with my mother’s dog in March 2017 I’ve heard a lot about Mr Bailey. Not one word of it good.

I would like to take a look at his “sanctuary” at Bayford. Do you know the exact location? I’ve kept my own horse and still care for one so know what to look for.

I’ve considered turning up at one of the table top sales and asking for ficancal information. I have been told that he moved money into a volunteer’s account and then asked them to withdraw it In cash for him.

Sorry this has gone on a bit! But I feel that he needs to be stopped. He is not a force for good.


Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Hope the Horse...

Once again Adam Bailey is taking on animals he seems to have no clue about. Around January time he posted up for urgent funds for a "pregnant abused" horse, he apparently needed £500 to bring the horse in?

The horse later arrived and was named hope.
Further posts after hopes arrival stated how well she was doing and how much Adam had bonded and made progress with her. No news if she's now pregnant? That only seemed the case when the £500+ funds where needed.

So fast forward to the weekend just gone and hope has somehow got her leg stuck in a soak away pipe?
And despite Adam and team claiming how well hope had done, they couldn't get this pipe off and needed urgent funds for a vet?

Many asked reasonable questions and where either ignored or once replied had their comments removed, no vet bills where posted, no proper update was given!

Considering Adam has apparent experience with horses it seems bizarre that not only could Adam not get this apparently loose soak away pipe off of the horse he's claimed to have worked with and bonded with, he also had to enlist the help of someone else experienced in horses? The mind boggles and it begs the question.. what animals are actually safe in the "care" of Adam Bailey?

Thursday, 15 February 2018

A typical reply to a foster from Bailey and a glimpse of his true values...

This is an extract taken out of the admin chat for Adam Bailey..

You will see a disgusting reply to the foster who had red at the time, the little dog who needed leg surgery.

What kind of response is this to reply to a foster who is evidently worried about their foster dog?!? I cant actually believe anyone could be so callous & unsympathetic and leave a dog to suffer just as he did with lightening.. Shameful!!!!

Notice the reference to the Shih Tzu puppies about how they will bring in "mega donations" and they will need to go "straight onto papers" this isn't common practice for Adam but he wants these dogs on contracts because he obviously "values" some dogs more than others literally. Ugh!

After taking a little look at those Shih tzus we recognised them from somewhere!

If you wish to share your story with us please get in touch either via Email: or via this Facebook Page

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

30+ Dogs in one foster home?

Im sure many of you are now aware of my recent postings relating to the many failings of Adam Bailleys rescue. 
I raised concerns in my post about 32 dogs being in one single foster.
This ex foster is a disabled mum with a young child and a teenage boy. 

Over a period of time Adam has took advantage of this foster and her love for dogs and her nativity and has proceeded to dump dog after dog on her with promise after promise that they will be moved very few to none where ever moved and those that where moved where immediately replaced with another dog.
It was hard as you can all imagine keeping a house clean with so many dogs. Meeting all their needs ECT. 

The situation escalated quickly early December when the housing visited after months of telling the foster the dogs needed to go and her being constantly ignored by Adam and him slating and bad mouthing her to other members of ex admin calling her lazy and useless, she felt alone, isolated and was now faced with losing her home which put huge pressures on her relationship with her teenage son who was worried about being Homeless with his younger sibling!!

Adam was told to move his dogs because the housing would have to contact police and RSPCA to move the many dogs once an eviction was granted and reluctantly he started collecting them. To cover his disgusting actions and his vile treatment of the foster he lied stating 32 dogs had bounced from numerous fosters and adopted homes in 17 days when in fact he was forced to move them!

Furthermore he kept these dogs crated in a van in cages soaked in urine and excrement for Unknown periods of time and this is when some that we know about became emaciated. A few people have questioned the validity to my claims and you are well within your right to do so and i have no objections to providing further evidence i have received today to collaborate my claims further that Adam did indeed have 32 dogs in one foster.
Absolutely disgusting and he should be ashamed this isn't rescue.

Ps: I have redacted other peoples personal information from the pdfs that i have received today,so the information that remains are the many dogs that Nikki had in foster I'm also including two screenshots from messenger telling Adam how many dogs she has because he had forgotten!

Word of warning Adam, Don't think you can fuck with me because when it comes to exposing animal abusing scum i won't back down!

What about Bandit?

This sad little boy below is Bandit he came over from Romania as a young pup of 5-6months old, he was boarded at a kennels by the rescue owner and since that time he has been left there and never visited or shown any care love or concern by his rescue He is a scared little boy and doesn't trust easily and he is desperately struggling in kennels but his rescue keep lying to all the people concerned stating he's being collected and it never happens ðŸ’”          shockingly bandit has been in kennels well over a year now suffering staring at 4 brick walls while his rescue obtain funds and take other dogs pretending to care but doesn't giving little bandit a second thought, his bill remains unpaid and is well over 1k 
Poor poor bandit ðŸ˜”     we are sorry that you fell under such an uncaring and deceitful rescue.

Dear Adam...

Isn't it a shame that you have managed to muster up the effort to organise this page being reported over and over again, by whatever support still clings to you, but haven't managed to organise any of your dogs still suffering or solved any of the issues with your fosters or settled any of your debts. Priorities, though we suppose.
Isn't it ironic that a certain someone has managed to turn things around and make it appear as though he is being 'bullied' when he hasn't spared a single thought for any of the animals or people he's let down, hurt or for basically shit all over. He's denied responsibility, pointed the finger elsewhere or simply ignored it.
Isn't it hypocritical of him to be not be able to find the time to communicate with the different kennels where he has dogs placed, ignore all messages and hide away, yet be so vocal in getting this page removed, so vocal in placing the blame on two people who actually aren't even involved in the page?
What about the dogs still languishing? What about the thousands owing in kennel bills? This is peoples livelihoods! They don't run kennels for a laugh, its a business to them, their spaces aren't be paid for and the dogs aren't being addressed, this man is taking the piss!
What about the fosters/adoptees/ ex team members and any one else he has let down along the way?
What about the tens of dogs now people have got in touch with us about that are even untraceable or have been fed dodgy stories or given dodgy paperwork?
What about answering and addressing the multitude of questions and tags he has been asked and chosen to ignore?
See he didn't seem to mind bullying fosters via messages, he didn't seem to mind bullying his fosters face to face, he didn't seem to mind bullying minors and young adults who were volunteers? Or anyone who called him out on any of the mistakes he's made over the past few years?
This page isn't bullying anyone, it's pointing out the many many failures of one man and his 'rescue' As it has been asked many times, the 'proper authorities' have been contacted already and are aware. The RSCPA have an on-going investigation.
This page is to share the stories of the many who have come froward, spread awareness and make sure we limit the amount of possible victims in the future, because why should they go unheard and nothing ever change?
We would much rather Adam faced up to his responsibilities, answered what has been asked of him, make the changes needed and step up, rather than hide and play the victim, Is that really too much to ask?

Rest easy, Lightning

Just to clarify things, the RSPCA were contacted by the foster and they stated to the rescue owner that the dog in question needed to be taken to the vets by the rescue Furthermore this foster had 32 dogs dumped on her by the rescue with no support she was often funding the food herself she has a disability and also doesn't drive, she felt isolated, scared guilty and worried about what would happen to all these dogs, the situation escalated and she nearly lost her home so the dogs where moved by the rescue owner and a lot kept in a van where some of them became emaciated.
It's all very good to sit and judge on Facebook but its very different to be in a situation like this yourself and the foster was taken advantage of on a massive scale and lied to and manipulated.
From an ex team member
"Lightening a long term foster dog that was in the care of Adam Bailey Rescue and Rehomes, she couldn't be homed because of her age and was meant to live her days out in the rescue in comfort in the rescue sadly this wasn't the case, lightening didn't get to live her days out pain free, lightening was such a lovely lady knew her manners and was always well behaved she was a total joy even know she was old, she was still young at heart, i was lucky enough to meet lightening and i fall in love with her she was amazing, here comes the sad and heartbreaking bit, Bailley was told several times that lightening needed to see a vet she was drinking loads of water and isn't eating properly she would only eat canned meat which he did not supply her, he only supplies dry food lightening manged to eat better on canned dog meat food Bailey always brushed it of as old age??, the last 3 weeks of lightnings life wasn't a nice one, she couldn't keep food down if she wasn't being sick it was coming out the other end Bailey was asked loads of times to get her to the vets and he didn't bother just yet again brushed it of as old age, she was left in pain and it got to the sage where she was bed ridden for 5 days she couldnt even stand up he left her like that for 5 days until he finally give in after being told daily for 4 weeks she needed to see the vets, i never seen a dog cry in pain in before you could see in her eyes she had enough and wanted to go in peace, Bailey didn't let this girl go pain free he left her in pain what type of person does that? the day before she was put to sleep i said if he didnt do the right thing that i would call the rspca on him? the pain in that dog face and the tears in her eyes still haunt me to this day truly broke my heart that a person who claims to love animals can leave a dog in pain and to suffer like that?? does he actually care what pain hes putting on these poor animals in his rescue? shine bright lightening your finally pain baby girl "

The neglect of two Bostons...

Around a year ago Bailey took into his care two young dogs, said to be French bulldog cross Bostons. He placed them with a foster who already had a very large number of ABRARs dogs (32 to be precise) he never took them the vet or had them vaccinated or health checked or neutered, Unfortunately due to Baileys selfish and irresponsible actions the foster was threatened with an eviction notice and Bailey reluctantly collected the dogs and crated them (11+dogs) in the back of his van for approx 14days.

 During this time the condition of these dogs deteriorated at an alarming rate and outside help was offered to Bailley to address the situation. He proceeded to drop these two little dogs of with a new foster. They arrived in an appalling state 14dec and where covered in urine and faeces. No food or funds where left by ABRAR and he never asked how they were! Further help was sought by the foster and a new rescue was found and a vets visit was made. 

The dogs attended the vets and the vet stated these little beauties where a week from death ðŸ’”     thankfully with the hard work of the foster and the new rescue these little dogs are now safe and thriving in new homes. But the outcome could have been so very different and a few days later these dogs would have died of starvation and dehydration, why didn't Bailey rush these dogs to a vet? Why allow them to deteriorate and not do anything about it? Is this acceptable? No!! 

Below are two pictures of the dogs in the previous foster, then two pictures after being in Baileys "care" and then a further two pictures in the bath after 2wks with the new foster.

Adoption Contracts...

Good evening.
I have today obtained a copy of ABRAR's adoption contract which is poor to say the least. He ONLY accepts cash for his adoptions which I'm sure all fellow reputable rescues would agree is highly unethical and not transparent at all. 

He obtains funds by public appeals and NEVER evidences where these donations go. He owes vet bills and emergency boarding bills to which I have the evidence for and the total is roughly 7k+
Furthermore I have been informed that Adam has In the past been subject to accusations relating to fraud and other such unsavoury activities.

So not only has this man been neglecting and starving dogs he has also been potentially obtaining funds under false pretences. Below are some of Baileys own words in relation to a police investigation. Bailey claims his books are in order, well from what I've seen so far he adopts out entire dogs mostly with no vaccinations, no chip details, minimal history or he chooses to lie stating dogs are good with cats,kids or other dogs when they're aren't even assessed for this information to be known. The entire operation is a sham to say the least. Over the coming days personal statements and experiences from some of ABRAR's ex fosters and adopters will be posted so their stories and the hell they went through can be seen and shared because this isn't rescue its animal abuse and ABRAR and especially A. Bailley now needs to be held accountable for actions!!


We have been forced to resort to taking this off of social media due to Adams childish antics and reluctance to accept responsibility for his actions, he'd rather focus his time on reporting pages and crying 'bully' well we aren't bullying you, we are exposing you, if what we post about is the truth and is evidenced, how can it be bullying? You're just shitting yourself! You know you've been on the fiddle for years and your time is up!

The original page was created because of 'Adam Bailey Rescues and Rehomes and it's many failings.
Many of these animals have been subjected to numerous unsuitable environments.
For example: living in the back of a van in cold, cramped, dirty conditions, never being fed or walked or simply not seeing sunlight sometimes for up to 3-4wks at a time.
Some of these poor dogs ended up in emergency boarding and fosters unable to stand due to sheer starvation saturated in their own urine and covered in feaces!!
The vet report for two dogs in particular stated they where a week away from death these little dogs literally escaped with their lives.
Another dog has been in emergency boarding kennels since he was only 6-7months old this poor boy has been left scared and nervous in a kennel for well over a year by ABRAR who hasn't visited him once!! There are many other dogs left abandoned in emergency boarding each with their own sky high bill outstanding.
These are just few of the stories we will be sharing from this page.