Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Rest easy, Lightning

Just to clarify things, the RSPCA were contacted by the foster and they stated to the rescue owner that the dog in question needed to be taken to the vets by the rescue Furthermore this foster had 32 dogs dumped on her by the rescue with no support she was often funding the food herself she has a disability and also doesn't drive, she felt isolated, scared guilty and worried about what would happen to all these dogs, the situation escalated and she nearly lost her home so the dogs where moved by the rescue owner and a lot kept in a van where some of them became emaciated.
It's all very good to sit and judge on Facebook but its very different to be in a situation like this yourself and the foster was taken advantage of on a massive scale and lied to and manipulated.
From an ex team member
"Lightening a long term foster dog that was in the care of Adam Bailey Rescue and Rehomes, she couldn't be homed because of her age and was meant to live her days out in the rescue in comfort in the rescue sadly this wasn't the case, lightening didn't get to live her days out pain free, lightening was such a lovely lady knew her manners and was always well behaved she was a total joy even know she was old, she was still young at heart, i was lucky enough to meet lightening and i fall in love with her she was amazing, here comes the sad and heartbreaking bit, Bailley was told several times that lightening needed to see a vet she was drinking loads of water and isn't eating properly she would only eat canned meat which he did not supply her, he only supplies dry food lightening manged to eat better on canned dog meat food Bailey always brushed it of as old age??, the last 3 weeks of lightnings life wasn't a nice one, she couldn't keep food down if she wasn't being sick it was coming out the other end Bailey was asked loads of times to get her to the vets and he didn't bother just yet again brushed it of as old age, she was left in pain and it got to the sage where she was bed ridden for 5 days she couldnt even stand up he left her like that for 5 days until he finally give in after being told daily for 4 weeks she needed to see the vets, i never seen a dog cry in pain in before you could see in her eyes she had enough and wanted to go in peace, Bailey didn't let this girl go pain free he left her in pain what type of person does that? the day before she was put to sleep i said if he didnt do the right thing that i would call the rspca on him? the pain in that dog face and the tears in her eyes still haunt me to this day truly broke my heart that a person who claims to love animals can leave a dog in pain and to suffer like that?? does he actually care what pain hes putting on these poor animals in his rescue? shine bright lightening your finally pain baby girl "

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