Wednesday, 14 February 2018


We have been forced to resort to taking this off of social media due to Adams childish antics and reluctance to accept responsibility for his actions, he'd rather focus his time on reporting pages and crying 'bully' well we aren't bullying you, we are exposing you, if what we post about is the truth and is evidenced, how can it be bullying? You're just shitting yourself! You know you've been on the fiddle for years and your time is up!

The original page was created because of 'Adam Bailey Rescues and Rehomes and it's many failings.
Many of these animals have been subjected to numerous unsuitable environments.
For example: living in the back of a van in cold, cramped, dirty conditions, never being fed or walked or simply not seeing sunlight sometimes for up to 3-4wks at a time.
Some of these poor dogs ended up in emergency boarding and fosters unable to stand due to sheer starvation saturated in their own urine and covered in feaces!!
The vet report for two dogs in particular stated they where a week away from death these little dogs literally escaped with their lives.
Another dog has been in emergency boarding kennels since he was only 6-7months old this poor boy has been left scared and nervous in a kennel for well over a year by ABRAR who hasn't visited him once!! There are many other dogs left abandoned in emergency boarding each with their own sky high bill outstanding.
These are just few of the stories we will be sharing from this page.

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